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Tender/ Quotation

Interested parties please register with your business card and collect the tender or quotation invitation at the general office during office hours (Mon to Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm).


Ref. no. Tender/ Quotation Title Closing Date and Time
T16/2425 承投「提供 2024-2026 學年學校刊物設計及印刷服務」 24/4/2025 (3:00pm)
Q04/2425 承投「提供 2024-2026 學年學校刊物製作、設計及印刷服務」 23/4/2025 (3:00pm)
Q03/2425 承投「供應及安裝冷氣機工程 2024-2025 」 23/4/2025 (3:00pm)
T15/2425 Invitation to Tender Supply of School Printer Service School Year 2025-2028 7/4/2025 (3:00pm)
T14/2425 承投提供「2024 25 中樂團台灣音樂交流」重新招標 26/3/2025 (3:00pm)
T13/2425 承投「提供 2025-2028 學年校本教材冊印刷服務」 1/4/2025 (3:00pm)
T12/2425 承投「提供 2025-2028 學年校簿售賣服務」 31/3/2025 (3:00pm)


承投「提供2025-2028學年校服、運動服及社衣售賣服務」 28/3/2025 (3:00pm)
T10/2425 承投「學校游泳訓練及泳池管理服務2025-2028」 24/3/2025 (3:00pm)
T09/2425 Invitation to Tender Supply of Tablet Device for School and Students "Bring your Own Device" (BYOD) Series 24-25 10/3/2025 (3:00pm)
T08/2425 承投提供「2024-25 中樂團台灣音樂交流」 10/3/2025 (3:00pm)
T07/2425 承投提供「2024-25小四自我挑戰營」

11/2/2025 (3:00pm)

T06/2425 承投提供「2024-2025境外交流團浙江省寧波市歷史文化及探訪姊妹學校之旅」 10/2/2025 (3:00pm)
T05/2425 Invitation to Tender Supply of Filters for Air Purifiers in School 2024-2026 24/1/2025 (3:00pm)
Q02/2425 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of IT Network Device Maintenance 2024-25 6/1/2025 (3:00pm)
T04/2425 承投提供「2024-2025 小六海外交流團-環保科技」 2/1/2025 (3:00pm)
T03/2425 承投「2024-2025 年小五境外交流團走進近代史」 4/12/2024 (3:00pm)
Q01/2425 承投提供「2024-2025 家長教育及精神健康活動」 31/10/2024 (3:00pm)
T02/2425  Architectural and Associated
Consultancy Services for DSS Major Repairs in 2023/2024 for W F Joseph Lee Primary School (PROJECT NO. MR D608 23 01)
18/10/2024 (3:00pm)
T01/2425 Quantity Surveying Consultancy
Services for DSS Major Repairs in 2023/2024 for W F Joseph Lee Primary School (PROJECT NO. MR-D608-23-01)
17/10/2024 (3:00pm)
T28/2324 承投「全校冷氣及通風系統保養服務 2024-2025」 9/9/2024 (3:00pm)
T27/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Virtual Reality Experience for Learning Project 20/8/2024 (3:00pm)
Q15/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of Multi-purpose Hall Audio Equipment School Year 2023-25 8/7/2024 (3:00pm)
Q14/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of IT Hardware Maintenance School Year 2023-25 4/7/2024 (3:00pm)
Q13/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of IT Software License Renewal School Year 2023-25 4/7/2024 (3:00pm)
Q12/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of School Learning and Administration System Maintenance School Year 2023-25 26/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T26/2324 承投提供 2024-2026 年度「小學全方位 學生輔導」服務 - 額外駐校社工 24/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T25/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Tablet Device for School and Students "Bring your Own Device" (BYOD) Series 24-25 17/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T24/2324 Invitation to Tender for the Supply of Group Medical Insurance (for the school year 2024/2025) 17/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T23/2324 承投「提供運動課程( 16/9/2024–31/8/2027 ,三年合約)」 14/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T22/2324 承投「提供奧數課程(16/9/2024–31/8/2027,三年合約)」 11/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T21/2324 承投 2024-2027 學年「提供教育心理學 家支援」──重新招標 11/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T20/2324 承投提供「提供音樂課程 (16/9/2024–31/8/2027,三年合約)」 7/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T19/2324 承投「提供資訊科技課後課程 (16/9/2024–31/8/2027,三年合約」 7/6/2024 (3:00pm)
Q11/2324 承投提供「畢業典禮拍攝及後期製作 2023-24」 4/6/2024 (3:00pm)
T18/2324 Invitation for Tender for the Supply of School Insurance Plans (16/9/2024–15/9/2025) 31/5/2024 (3:00pm)
T17/2324 承投「提供數理邏輯課程(圍棋及象棋)(16/9/2024 – 31/8/2027,三年合約)」 30/5/2024 (3:00pm)
Q10/2324 承投提供「校舍清潔服務 2023-2024」 24/5/2024 (3:00pm)
T16/2324 承投「提供視藝課程(16/9/2024–31/8/2027,三年合約)」 24/5/2024 (3:00pm)
Q09/2324 承投提供「試後 STEAM 活動 2023-2024」 17/5/2024 (3:00pm)
T15/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Network Security Device Maintenance School Year 2023-2025 16/5/2024 (3:00pm)
T14/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Hall Audio and Video Equipment School Year 2023-25 9/5/2024 (3:00pm)
T13/2324 承投 2024-2027 學年「提供教育心理學 家支援」 22/4/2024 (3:00pm)
Q08/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Supply of PA Audio Equipment 2023-24 15/4/2024 (3:00pm)
T12/2324 承投「提供學校升降機全面維修保養 服務 2024-2027」 9/4/2024 (3:00pm)
Q07/2324 Invitation to Written Quotation for Broadband Internet Service Plan Three-Year Contract 2024-2027 9/4/2024 (3:00pm)
Q06/2324 承投提供「學校刊物設計及印刷服務 2023-24」 20/3/2024 (3:00pm)
Q05/2324 承投提供「學校刊物製作、設計及 印刷服務 2023-24」 20/3/2024 (3:00pm)
Q04/2324 承投提供「森林生態活動日10/4/2024 (半天)」 18/3/2024 (3:00pm)
Q03/2324 承投提供「2023-2024學年本部消防裝置年檢後更換消防設備工程」 29/2/2024 (3:00pm)
T11/2324 承投「奇趣IT識多啲 - 線上到線下
29/2/2024 (3:00pm)
T10/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of QEF Digital Classroom 27/2/2024 (3:00pm)
T09/2324 承投提供「2023-24 小四自我挑戰營」 27/2/2024 (3:00pm)
Q02/2324 承投提供「學校現有學習管理系統服務 2024-25」 24/1/2024 (3:00pm)
T08/2324 承投提供 「2023-2024境外交流團 - 浙江歷史文化及探訪姊妹學校之旅」 18/1/2023 (3:00pm)
T07/2324 承投「2023-2024年小五境外交流團 - 走進近代史」 17/1/2023 (3:00pm)
T06/2324 承投提供「2023-2024小六海外交流團–環保科技」 17/1/2023 (3:00pm)
T05/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Computer for Teachers and IT Network Device Maintenance 2023-24 14/12/2023 (3:00pm)
T04/2324 Invitation to Tender Supply of Tablet Device for School and Students – "Bring your Own Device" (BYOD) Series 23-24 27/11/2023 (3:00pm)
T03/2324 承投「提供2024-2027學年供應學生教科書及補充教材服務」 23/11/2023 (3:00pm)
T02/2324 承投「全校冷氣及通風系統保養服務2023-2024」 14/11/2023 (3:00pm)
T01/2324 Invitation to Tender Provision of G/F Basketball Court Reflooring Work 2023-24 9/11/2023 (3:00pm)
Q01/2324 Written Quotation for eLearning Platform 2023-24 27/9/2023 (3:00pm)