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Sports Category

Athletics Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Athletics Team was founded in 2002. The team has regular trainings at school every morning and every Friday after school. 


The regular practices have trained our team members to be persistent while enhancing their fitness level. 


There are 56 members in the team. The team has achieved outstanding results at the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Athletic Competition and Yuen Long District Athletic Meet, receiving Outstanding Athlete Award, Grade Champion and Relay Champion.



Badminton Team


There are 30 members in the school’s Badminton Team. Team members have trainings regularly at school every Thursday. Our Boys’ Team has achieved good results at the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Badminton Competition, being the first runner-ups in Team Match and Single Match.



Basketball Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School basketball team was founded in 2002. Team members have trainings regularly at school every Tuesday and Thursday. The trainings not only enhance the members’ basketball skills, but also help build a sense of teamwork. 


There are 30 members in the team. We join the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Basketball Competition every year to gain experience and was the first runner-up at the competition.



Cheerleading Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Cheerleading Team was established in 2009. We want our students to be confident, innovative and work well in a cooperative group, and brave to show their positive attitudes on different occasions. 


There are around 35 members. The team has performed in various occasions such as Hong Kong Water Race and the Opening Ceremony of the Sports and Arts Building. The team also actively participates in local competitions such as Islands District Cheerleading Competition and Yuen Long District Cheerleading Competition. The team has received awards at a number of overseas competitions such as The 5th Asian Junior Cheerleading Championships (Japan) and 2019 Asia-Pacific Cup Cheerleading Open (China).



Dance Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Senior and Junior Dance Teams were founded in 2006 and 2013 respectively. The Dance Teams focus on learning modern dance. There are 12 members in the Senior Dance Team and 18 members in the Junior Dance Team. The teams join the Schools Dance Festival held by Hong Kong School Dance Association every year.



Fencing Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Fencing Team was founded in 2002. We aim at cultivating students’ patience and building their resilience. There are 20 members in the team. 


We join competitions organised by The Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation and The Leisure and Cultural Services Department every year. The team got Boys A Grade Team Champion, Boys A Grade Single Foil Champion, Girls Epee Open Silver and Girls Grade B Team Bronze at All Hong Kong Inter-Schools Competitions 2018-2019.



Football Team


“Never Give Up” and “Strive for Improvement” are the mottos of W F Joseph Lee Primary School Football Team. We hope our students can taste success, embrace failure, enjoy excitement and tears in football exercise. 


There are 34 members in Football Team and the team joins the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Football Competition every year.



Gymnastics Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Gymnastics Team was established in 2002. We want our students to be brave and determined, and be able to overcome any challenges. They develop a balanced body through practices. There are around 30 members in the team now. The team actively participates in various competitions such as All Hong Kong Inter-Primary Schools Gymnastics Competition and Yuen Long District Gymnastics Open.



Mini-tennis Team


There are 10 members and the team regularly participates in Mini Tennis District Inter-Primary Schools Competitions (New Territories West) organised by Hong Kong Tennis Association.


Mini-tennis Team is a cradle of the school’s Tennis Team. Most of the team members keep developing their tennis skills and strive for achievement before promoting to the senior team.



Rope Skipping Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Rope Skipping Team was founded in 2009. We aim at cultivating and increasing students' interest in rope skipping, promoting more exercise as well as building self-confidence and team spirit. There are 25 members in the team. The team performs on Sports Day and joins Hong Kong Districts Primary School Rope Skipping Championships (Yuen Long) every year. 



Swimming Team


There are 63 members in the school’s Swimming Team and they are from P.1-P.6. Team members have trainings regularly at the school’s indoor swimming pool after school and during long school holidays. The team has achieved good results in the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Swimming Competition over the years, being awarded Grade Champion and Relay Champion.



Table Tennis Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Table Tennis Team was founded in 2007. Through regular trainings, perseverance is cultivated among the members.


There are 13 members from P.2-P.6. The team has participated in the Yuen Long Area Inter-Primary Schools Table Tennis Competition and received excellent results, being the Girl Team Champion and Girl Single Champion in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019.



Tennis Team


The W F Joseph Lee Primary School Tennis Team was founded in 2002. The aim is to let students enjoy tennis which is a relatively less popular sports in Hong Kong. 


There are 15 members and the team participates in various competitions regularly. The team has won the first runner-up in Tai Po Sports Association Tennis Invitational Team Tournament. 


Some of our outstanding members see tennis as their lifelong sports. Jack Wong and Cody Wong, our former tennis team members, have worked their ways to become the representatives of Hong Kong Tennis Association.



Volleyball Team


The Volleyball Team aims to provide a platform for students to fulfil their potential and show their talents, as well as to improve their cooperation and communication skills with others. There are 18 members now in the Girls’ Team. The team joins the Inter-Primary Schools Volleyball Competition (Girls) to gain experience every year. We entered the top six of the Inter-Primary Schools Volleyball Competition (Girls) in the year of 2018-2019.