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Wofoo Community Hub


Wofoo Community Hub (WCH) is co-established by Wofoo Social Enterprises and W F Joseph Lee Primary School. Connecting with different organisations in the education and business sectors, NGOs, volunteers, religious groups and government departments, WCH provides support to address the needs of the community and builds a strong collaboration network through resources sharing.



Promoting harmony and prosperity in the community.



Six core values: perseverance, respect, responsibility, commitment, integrity and care.



WCH serves the community with collaboration, sharing and creating synergy to drive meaningful impact. Our missions can be summarised into 3 “co-”: “co-share”, “co-work”, “co-create” and 4 “e”: “engage”, “enlighten”, “empower” and “encourage”.



  • Co-share
    The resources to share mean more than physical materials like facilities. Knowledge, skills, talents, ideas and other intangible resources of the organisations can also be shared to create synergy.
  • Co-work
    By working together, the collaborating partners can co-develop and integrate best-of-breed solutions.

  • Co-create
    People in the community play a key role in the whole development lifecycle when it comes to anticipating and satisfying the current and future needs of the community. By combining their skills, talents and resources, people can create new ways to develop solutions and values.

The 4 “e” start from individual or family level and expand all the way outward to serve others. 

  • Engage the community
    Community engagement is important throughout the planning, service delivery and ongoing operations of WCH. We encourage residents’ participation and involvement, through which WCH and the residents can build a positive and close connection.

    Partners’ engagement also helps to ensure that their service provided can cater for the specific needs of the community.
  • Enlighten the community
    We enlighten the community through various kinds of programmes and activities, enriching them with fresh knowledge, concept, skills and methodologies of problem resolutions. The learning and new ideas may have a chance to influence their values and eventually lead to favourable impacts on the families and children.
  • Empower the community
    WCH helps to bring awareness of both internal and external challenges faced by the community or targeted groups, and to empower them to be better prepared for their future.
  • Encourage the community
    Through encouraging the spirit of sharing and helping others to bring harmony and prosperity, WCH motivates residents, volunteers and leaders in the community to get involved positively and actively.


WCH focuses on the following 5 areas:

A) Parents’ Engagement

B) Community Arts and Music

C) Community Sports

D) Early Childhood Development

E) Minorities


For more information, please contact us at:

Tel: 3401 4995