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School Achievements

 International Alliance for Invitational Education (IAIE)


Invitational Education is firstly proposed in U.S. by William Purkey. It is believed that education is a platform to inspire students to discover their potential. The process of education is as important as its results.


Our school has implemented Invitational Education under the framework of 5P’s (Places, Processes, People, Programs and Policies) for a few years. Our work was recognized with the receipt of “Inviting School Award 2018” and “Inviting School Silver Fidelity Award 2019”. Both reviewers from U.S. and professionals from Hong Kong gave us very positive feedback. We will continue to work shoulder to shoulder to build a positive and inviting learning environment for our students to grow.



Green School


Our school achieved the Green School Award at the 13th and 15th Hong Kong Green School Competitions. We do not only emphasize on the importance of being environmentally-friendly but also translate our words into action. Our school has implemented measures and activities to reduce energy and waste production for the good of our environment. Our green policy comprises 7R’s which stand for Resist, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Replace, Re-educate and Rethink. We teach students to respect the nature and to love the environment. There is a Green Class Award every year to encourage and recognize the effort of the “greenest” class.


Our school has completed the environmental protection projects funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund Environmental Education and Community Action projects (Minor Works Projects):


"Renewable energy project with integrated health and environmental protection" (Installation Equipment)

"Renewable energy project with integrated health and environmental protection" (Evaluation Activities)



Quality Assessment Management Accreditation Scheme (QAMAS)


In order to formulate a recognized assessment policy and review the assessment progress, our school has successfully applied the QAMAS certification from Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority to become one of the accredited schools.