Our Desired Outcomes


The concept of having a Student Profile is to provide a visualised image of what kind of person we expect our students to be, and the essential qualities our students have to possess. It helps us define our mission of education and a set of learning outcomes, while putting students at the centre of everything we do. It provides a shared goal that helps engage everyone working in or collaborating with the school in a purpose-driven journey – a journey to grow and nurture talents with good character and capabilities.


Through proper whole-person development and the inculcation of core values (namely Care, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, Commitment and Perseverance) in our students, we envision students to develop into well-rounded individuals possessing the desired qualities of Lifelong Learners, Wise Decision-makers, Responsible Citizens and Moral Leaders.


Lifelong Learners

who are active, curious learners with the skills and confidence to learn in a self-motivated, self-directed, valiant and continuous manner.


Wise Decision-makers

who are open-minded and have the wisdom and discernment between right and wrong, and therefore know how to make informed, rational, constructive and accountable choices in their lives.


Responsible Citizens

who are selfless and empathetic to others, and take a proactive role in fulfilling their responsibilities as good citizens.


Moral Leaders

who guide themselves and others with values and ethics, step up when needed and do what is best for the greater good. They are principled individuals and always serve others with humility and a genuine heart.