07 Hope for the Best
Last year, we put forward “Kindness” as the theme of the year, reminding all of us to be kind to self as well as others, from individuals to community and the environment, from the living place we live to the country and the global world we belong. For the reasons that “Kindness in words creates CONFIDENCE. Kindness in thinking creates PROFOUNDNESS. Kindness in giving creates LOVE!” (Plato), we have to pass this good virtue on!
This year, we have chosen “Hope” as the main theme for character building. We believe that when people have hope, they can be nurtured with positive thinking. They will know well what they want to do in future. They might have a clear vision to be realized and they can bring hope to others. They can share love and make peace with people. With hope, everyone in this school can strive for one’s best and each of us can learn happily together, develop one’s own strengths, love one another and enjoy being loved!
By definition, with reference to Oxford Dictionary, “Hope” is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen, a feeling of trust. It is the state of mind that believes and desires a positive outcome to situations in your life. It is the feeling that things will turn out for the best. It is a lifestyle where one consistently looks forward to that positive outcome to something planned in life.
When I was at your age studying in primary school, my school teachers used to ask us to write something about our “Hope”, as a writing exercise in composition. Well, after so many years, I can’t recall exactly what I wrote by then. Probably it was something like: “I hope I can be a brave knight who can fight for my country and protect my people;” or “I hope I can be a doctor some day because I can help people to restore health;” or “I hope that I can be much knowledgeable one day and be a professor in the university who can pass on knowledge and culture.” But if I were asked to write the same topic today, I would like to write something like below:
Example 1:
My hope is to be one of the humble professional teachers who is kind and caring. I shall take every pupil as my own child. I shall prepare my lessons well and let them learn in sheer joy. I shall help develop each child and let each one find out his or her own strengths and potentials. I believe that education can change the destiny of each child. I hope that with good teaching, I can shed lights to others like fireflies so that people around me can share my hope and they can further share their good deeds and become fireflies, too. I also hope that all pupils can receive equal opportunities in learning and they can develop their potentials to their full.
Example 2:
Although the world is full of injustice and unfairness, and there is also great difference between the rich and the poor elsewhere, I sincerely hope that everyone in the world can treat others as equals and they can live peacefully, happily and harmoniously together with dignity, building the world a better place to live in. In such, world peace can be restored and there will be no more hatred, jealousy, bullying among people and wars or invasions between countries.
So, children, what is your “hope”? If you are invited to write a paragraph about your hope, what and how do you write?